Welcome Kasey!
Last week the growing eciotify team had the pleasure of welcoming a new blockchain enthusiast all the way from South Africa.
Kasey’s focus will be on Visual Communication and Digital Marketing Strategies as well as boosting our Social Media presence. She is passionate about making blockchain, the Democratisation of Data and the Internet of Things an accessible topic that everyone can easily understand.
Previously to eciotify, Kasey worked on Brand Management at a South African Non-Profit Organisation. She has also been involved in various Visual Art and User-Experience Design Projects.
When she is not wrapping her mind around visually explaining the possibilities of blockchain, IoT and the Economy of Things, Kasey spends her time exploring Psychogeography through Urbex and Architectural Photography.
Are you an expert of IoT and blockchain who is interested in taking part in a Democratised Economy of Things? We would love to invite you for a coffee in our Berlin office at NBT.